Amplifier for Art, Science and Society
  • In Conversation

Deep Fakes - In Conversation - Eve Sussman and Misha Libman




Episode 6 - On art in the NFTs age, of the original, post original, to new originals, at the edge of the real world and the Metaverse

In the universe of the exhibition Deep Fakes: Art and Its Double, curated by Prof. Sarah Kenderdine, director and lead curator of EPFL Pavilions, we invite you to join us for “In Conversation”, a live video discussion series with the artists, scientists, and collaborators that have been a part of our exhibition.

For the sixth episode of Deep Fakes - In Conversation, this coming Thursday, February 3rd, at 6 PM CET, we invite you to join us for a discussion between Monica Antohi, Communications lead with EPFL Pavilions and our guests, Eve Sussman and Misha Libman as we take a more in-depth look at their work, 89 Seconds Atomized, part of the Deep Fakes: Art and Its Double exhibition.

In this interview, we'll be exploring their collaboration, their history, and the steps it took to generate a new version of Velazquez's, then Eve Sussman's work, a significant step forward when it comes to how we access art, how we consume art, and how art is starting to live in that space that breaches the real and the digital worlds at the same time.

Join us for the premiere on February 3rd at 6 PM CET for a conversation that expands beyond technology and current events, to bring a new perspective on culture and cultural heritage.

Eve Sussman is a Brooklyn-based artist and filmmaker.
In the course of her career, her work has pushed the boundaries of cinematic experience, compelling viewers to actively participate in the invention of the story. Her algorithmically generated film, whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir edits live, never repeating the same way twice.

For this work, Eve has collaborated with Misha Libman of, a blockchain laboratory exploring creative and commercial possibilities in art, founded in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in early 2018 by Andrey Alekhin and Misha Libman. Misha’s background is in software development in the financial sector.

Deep Fakes - In Conversation - Eve Sussman and Misha Libman